Air Sealing
Why Air Sealing your home is vitally important.
Get it done to improve your Lafayette, CO area home’s energy efficiency
Maybe you didn’t realize how inefficient your home was until you requested an energy audit. By air sealing the top plates, chases, wire penetrations, junction boxes and bath fans, the team at Bestway Insulation can prevent energy loss and help you save money on your utility bills.
Contact us by calling 303-469-0808 now to learn more about air sealing your home in the Lafayette, CO area.
You’ll appreciate our meticulous process
Did you know hot air can move up to 10 MPH along your walls? Conventional sealant can catch fire in these conditions, so we’ll use Firestop products when air sealing your home to reduce the risk of a fire.
We’ll be sure to…
- Apply tin and heat caulk to furnace flues
- Apply sealant where different materials meet
- Place rulers and attic baffles for quality control
We air seal the top plates, chases, wire penetrations, junction boxes, bath fans, and tin and heat caulk furnace flues. Then we place rulers and baffles for quality control. We use fire stop foam and fire stop caulk for this. We will not use the white foam on walls because of flammability issues (without any wind outside you could have a 10 mile an hour convection current of air moving up and down the walls.)
What is prone to happen is the hot air from the attic in the summer goes down the walls and heats up the house from the inside out. Then the cold air from the attic in the winter goes down the walls and cools the house from the inside out. By properly air sealing your home with the correct insulation practices at the top plates, you can stop this waste of energy.